Saturday, October 25, 2008

Who's on Your Godpod?

Written By: Shonda-Renee' Porter

In 1 Timothy 6:10 the word of God states that the love of money is the root of all evil. My question to you is what about the love of music? I see so many people claiming to be believers that listen to everything imaginable. Honestly, tell me how is it that you can listen to praise and worship and experience a move of God in your car, and as soon as the next song comes on it’s “not your song”, and you then change it over to a secular station if there is no other inspirational station available? You find yourself flip-flopping with the stations and ultimately F’n and F’n ( flipping and flopping) with your spirit.

Moving on to our iPods, it’s the same scenario. We are given the ability to download anything that we want that we deem as our good music or simply a hit. After a while we have downloaded a little R&B, a little Gospel, a little Pop, a little Contemporary Worship, and a little bit of everything else. We feel that we have really created a noble collection full of great music. Then when questioned we say, ’hey I just love music. I know the difference. This has nothing to do with my salvation.’

Oh have you my friend been deceived. Deceived by the father of deception and iniquity itself. You don't have to be a theologian to understand that the ex-chief of music was Lucifer. Yes the same Lucifer whose name is now Satan, or maybe you know him as the devil. Ring a bell? Well clearly I referred to him as the “ex” chief musician. Satan was nothing short of a fool. He held the job of chief musician in Heaven and was even said to be one of God’s most handsome angels. God esteemed him in his own right, but none could be esteemed above God and this is where Lucifer messed up. He thought that he could exalt himself higher than God in the Heavens. His pride which is iniquity, which is also sin, got in the way. God had to shut him down and cast him and his “friends” (the other rebellious angels) out of Heaven. What I am getting at is that you must be careful. The devil is familiar with music and its power to create an atmosphere and change of emotions. Emotional and atmospheric changes both affect your spirit. The words and emotions of the songwriter and musicians are transferred to you when you listen. No matter what the type of music. What are you really downloading into God’s dwelling place?

As children of God we must be cautious as to what we willingly allow to take manifest in our spirit man. Our body is flesh indeed; nevertheless, it is still not our own. Your body is the dwelling place of your spirit in which God himself takes residence. The choices we make concerning our body physically and mentally all have an affect on our spirit. This is the same spirit which has a direct connection to God the Father.

Many times we make excuses for the things that we do, not just to our body, but in regards to life. Often we feel that just because God gave us the freedom to choose His will or our own, that it is okay to opt for our own. When will we allow our will to be lost in His? What gives us the audacity to choose such a fate when we know Him personally or at least acknowledge that fact that there really is a God. When will we as Christians get on one accord and stand for righteousness and nothing less? Stop making Satan’s work easy! Set yourselves apart and fiill your spirit with the things of God. What is on your Godpod? As I depart I leave this one decree, and that is that Grace and Peace be multiplied unto you.